My Take on Everything Everywhere All at Once

Everything Everywhere All at Once released a while ago, and when I saw the trailer I immediately wanted to see it because it looked so different and interesting. As luck would have it, it was still showing in Houston a few weeks ago, and the fam I saw it. To say I was WOW'd by the movie would be an understatement!

The movie is about a woman, played by the incredibly talented Michelle Yeoh, who has to connect with the other versions of herself in parallel universes in order to keep herself and her financially struggling family "together." BUT ALSO, she has a bigger mission when it comes to the multiverses.

As the main character learns what's going on, so do you. When she plunges into other universes, you're along for the ride trying to figure everything out. Mainly, can she accept all of herself? And her family? And can the family come together?

Another thing that caught me totally off guard was the heart of the story that has to do with the mother and her daughter. Literally, as I was deciphering the story, I was sucker punched with emotions. By the end I was CRYING LIKE A BABY!! I won't say exactly what the heart of the story is, because you just have to experience it.

OH, and I was so surprised at the big role Jamie Lee Curtis played!! I didn't even know she was in the movie!! And if you remember "Short Round" from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, who was also "Data" in the Goonies, then you'll be delighted to see Jonathan Ke Quan play a major role. Side note- he literally sounds the same as when he was a kid. lol

Anyway, have you seen the movie? If so, what did you think?