The Midnight Whispers Anthology is a USA Today bestseller!

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NOTE: The Midnight Whispers Anthology was a limited edition collection and is no longer available. To get Fae Away on its own, please go to


I’m SO excited to announce that the Midnight Whispers Anthology that features my book Fae Away has nabbed a spot on the USA Today bestseller list!! Being a part of this anthology has been a WILD ride!! My co-authors and I have tirelessly worked on this project since June, and our hard work has paid off!! A huge thank you to everyone who bought the anthology and helped promote it by liking and commenting on the gazillion posts I’ve made over the months. lol I really appreciate it!!

The anthology will only be available through the end of this month. To grab your copy, go to After the anthology comes down from all retailers, Fae Away will be released on it’s own. I’ll post more on that later!

As always, thank you for your support!! For more on me and my books and stuff going on in my life, make sure you’re following me on Instagram at!